.. _ch_rest_router: 路由器( Router ) ================== 本章將說明如何使用 REST 來設定一個路由器。 Single Tenant 的操作範例 ---------------------------------------------------- 下面的例子介紹如何建立拓璞,每個交換器( 路由器 )的位址新增或刪除,及確認 host 之間的連線狀況確認。 .. only:: latex .. image:: images/rest_router/fig1.eps :scale: 80% :align: center .. only:: epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig1.png :align: center .. only:: not latex and not epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig1.png :scale: 40% :align: center 環境建置 ^^^^^^^^ 首先要在 Mininet 上建置環境。``mn`` 的命令及參數如下。 ============ ========== ===================================================== 名稱 設定值 說明 ============ ========== ===================================================== topo linear,3 3 台交換器直接連結的網路拓璞 mac 無 自動設定各 host 的 MAC 位址 switch ovsk 使用 Open vSwitch controller remote 使用外部的 Controller 做為 OpenFlow controller x 無 啟動 xterm ============ ========== ===================================================== 執行的動作如下: .. rst-class:: console :: ryu@ryu-vm:~$ sudo mn --topo linear,3 --mac --switch ovsk --controller remote -x *** Creating network *** Adding controller Unable to contact the remote controller at *** Adding hosts: h1 h2 h3 *** Adding switches: s1 s2 s3 *** Adding links: (h1, s1) (h2, s2) (h3, s3) (s1, s2) (s2, s3) *** Configuring hosts h1 h2 h3 *** Running terms on localhost:10.0 *** Starting controller *** Starting 3 switches s1 s2 s3 *** Starting CLI: mininet> 接著,開啟 Controller 所使用的 xterm。 .. rst-class:: console :: mininet> xterm c0 mininet> 然後設定每個路由器的 OpenFlow 版本為 1.3。 switch: s1 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ovs-vsctl set Bridge s1 protocols=OpenFlow13 switch: s2 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ovs-vsctl set Bridge s2 protocols=OpenFlow13 switch: s3 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ovs-vsctl set Bridge s3 protocols=OpenFlow13 接著每一個 host 刪除原先自動配置的 IP 位址,並設定新的 IP 位址。 host: h1: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr del dev h1-eth0 root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr add dev h1-eth0 host: h2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr del dev h2-eth0 root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr add dev h2-eth0 host: h3: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr del dev h3-eth0 root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr add dev h3-eth0 最後在操作 Controller 的 xterm 上啟動 rest_router。 controller: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ryu-manager ryu.app.rest_router loading app ryu.app.rest_router loading app ryu.controller.ofp_handler instantiating app None of DPSet creating context dpset creating context wsgi instantiating app ryu.app.rest_router of RestRouterAPI instantiating app ryu.controller.ofp_handler of OFPHandler (2212) wsgi starting up on 若 Ryu 和交換器之間的連接成功,接下來的訊息將會被顯示。 controller: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Set SW config for TTL error packet in. [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Set ARP handling (packet in) flow [cookie=0x0] [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Set L2 switching (normal) flow [cookie=0x0] [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Set default route (drop) flow [cookie=0x0] [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Start cyclic routing table update. [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Join as router. ... 上述的 log 表示 3 台交換器已經準備完成。 設定 IP 位址 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 設定每一個路由器的 IP 位址。 首先,設定交換器 s1 的 IP 位址為「」和「」。 .. NOTE:: 接下來的說明中所使用的 REST API 請參考本章結尾的「 `REST API 列表`_ 」以取得更詳細的資料。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address":""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add address [address_id=2]" } ] } ] .. NOTE:: REST 命令的執行結果已經被整理為較好閱讀的格式。 接著,設定交換器 s2 的 IP 位址為「」、「」和「」。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address":""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add address [address_id=2]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add address [address_id=3]" } ] } ] 接著設定交換器 s3 的 IP 位址為「」和「」。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000003", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000003", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add address [address_id=2]" } ] } ] 交換器的 IP 位址已經被設定完成,接著對每一個 host 新增預設的閘道。 host: h1: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip route add default via host: h2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip route add default via host: h3: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip route add default via 設定預設路由 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 設定每一個路由器的預設路由。 首先,設定路由器 s1 的路由為路由器 s2 。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add route [route_id=1]" } ] } ] 設定路由器 s2 的預設路由為路由器 s1。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add route [route_id=1]" } ] } ] 設定路由器 s3 的預設路由為路由器 s2。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000003", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add route [route_id=1]" } ] } ] 設定靜態路由 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 為了路由器 s2,設定路由器 s3 的靜態路由為( )。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"destination": "", "gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Add route [route_id=2]" } ] } ] IP 位址及路由的設定狀態如下。 .. only:: latex .. image:: images/rest_router/fig4.eps :scale: 80% :align: center .. only:: epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig4.png :align: center .. only:: not latex and not epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig4.png :scale: 40% :align: center 確認設定的內容 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 確認每一個路由器的內容。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001 [ { "internal_network": [ { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "address": [ { "address_id": 1, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 2, "address": "" } ] } ], "switch_id": "0000000000000001" } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002 [ { "internal_network": [ { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" }, { "route_id": 2, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "address": [ { "address_id": 2, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 3, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 1, "address": "" } ] } ], "switch_id": "0000000000000002" } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003 [ { "internal_network": [ { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "address": [ { "address_id": 1, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 2, "address": "" } ] } ], "switch_id": "0000000000000003" } ] 在這樣的狀態下,執行 ping 來確認相互間的連接狀態。首先執行從 h2 向 h3 執行 ping。 確認正常連通的狀態。 host: h2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=62 time=48.8 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=62 time=0.402 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=62 time=0.089 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=62 time=0.065 ms ... 接著,從 h2 向 h1 執行 ping 。確認這邊也是正常的連接狀態。 host: h2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=62 time=43.2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=62 time=0.306 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=62 time=0.057 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=62 time=0.048 ms ... 刪除靜態路由 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 刪除路由器 s2 上指向路由器 s3 的靜態路由。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X DELETE -d '{"route_id": "2"}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Delete route [route_id=2]" } ] } ] 確認路由器 s2 的設定。這邊可以看到原先指向路由器 s3 的靜態路由已經被刪除了。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002 [ { "internal_network": [ { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "address": [ { "address_id": 2, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 3, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 1, "address": "" } ] } ], "switch_id": "0000000000000002" } ] 在這個狀態下,使用 ping 來確認連結狀態。從 h2 向 h3 執行 ping 會發現無法通過連接測試,這是因為我們已經刪除了路由的關係。 host: h2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ^C --- ping statistics --- 12 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 11088ms 刪除 IP 位址 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 刪除已經設定在路由器 s1 上的 IP 位址「」。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X DELETE -d '{"address_id": "1"}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "details": "Delete address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] 確認路由器 s1 的設定狀態。這邊可以看到路由器 s1 中原先被設定的「」已經被刪除。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001 [ { "internal_network": [ { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "address": [ { "address_id": 2, "address": "" } ] } ], "switch_id": "0000000000000001" } ] 在這個狀態下,使用 ping 指令來確認連通的狀況。從 h2 向 h1 執行,這時可以發現由於 h1 的子網路相關設定及路由已經被刪除的關係,是無法連通的。 host: h2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ^C --- ping statistics --- 19 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 18004ms Multi-tenant 的操作範例 ------------------------------------------------ 接下來的例子將建立一個網路拓璞,使用 VLAN 來分割 tenant 的使用。對各個交換器( 路由器 )的位址或路由進行新增和刪除,並確認每一個 host 之間的連通狀況。 .. only:: latex .. image:: images/rest_router/fig5.eps :scale: 80% :align: center .. only:: epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig5.png :align: center .. only:: not latex and not epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig5.png :scale: 40% :align: center 環境建置 ^^^^^^^^ 首先是在 Mininet 上進行環境的建置。``mn`` 命令的參數如下。 ============ ============ ===================================================== 參數 參數值 說明 ============ ============ ===================================================== topo linear,3,2 3台交換器直接連結的網路拓璞 ( 每個交換器連接兩台host ) mac 無 自動設定每一個 host 的 MAC 位址 switch ovsk 使用 Open vSwitch controller remote 使用外部的 OpenFlow Controller x 無 啟動 xterm ============ ============ ===================================================== 執行的範例如下。 .. rst-class:: console :: ryu@ryu-vm:~$ sudo mn --topo linear,3,2 --mac --switch ovsk --controller remote -x *** Creating network *** Adding controller Unable to contact the remote controller at *** Adding hosts: h1s1 h1s2 h1s3 h2s1 h2s2 h2s3 *** Adding switches: s1 s2 s3 *** Adding links: (h1s1, s1) (h1s2, s2) (h1s3, s3) (h2s1, s1) (h2s2, s2) (h2s3, s3) (s1, s2) (s2, s3) *** Configuring hosts h1s1 h1s2 h1s3 h2s1 h2s2 h2s3 *** Running terms on localhost:10.0 *** Starting controller *** Starting 3 switches s1 s2 s3 *** Starting CLI: mininet> 接著啟動 Controller 用的 xterm。 .. rst-class:: console :: mininet> xterm c0 mininet> 然後,將每一台路由器所使用的 OpenFlow 版本設定為 1.3。 switch: s1 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ovs-vsctl set Bridge s1 protocols=OpenFlow13 switch: s2 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ovs-vsctl set Bridge s2 protocols=OpenFlow13 switch: s3 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ovs-vsctl set Bridge s3 protocols=OpenFlow13 之後設定每一個 host 的 VLAN ID 和 IP 位址。 host: h1s1: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr del dev h1s1-eth0 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link add link h1s1-eth0 name h1s1-eth0.2 type vlan id 2 root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr add dev h1s1-eth0.2 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link set dev h1s1-eth0.2 up host: h2s1: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr del dev h2s1-eth0 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link add link h2s1-eth0 name h2s1-eth0.110 type vlan id 110 root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr add dev h2s1-eth0.110 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link set dev h2s1-eth0.110 up host: h1s2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr del dev h1s2-eth0 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link add link h1s2-eth0 name h1s2-eth0.2 type vlan id 2 root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr add dev h1s2-eth0.2 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link set dev h1s2-eth0.2 up host: h2s2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr del dev h2s2-eth0 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link add link h2s2-eth0 name h2s2-eth0.110 type vlan id 110 root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr add dev h2s2-eth0.110 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link set dev h2s2-eth0.110 up host: h1s3: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr del dev h1s3-eth0 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link add link h1s3-eth0 name h1s3-eth0.2 type vlan id 2 root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr add dev h1s3-eth0.2 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link set dev h1s3-eth0.2 up host: h2s3: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr del dev h2s3-eth0 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link add link h2s3-eth0 name h2s3-eth0.110 type vlan id 110 root@ryu-vm:~# ip addr add dev h2s3-eth0.110 root@ryu-vm:~# ip link set dev h2s3-eth0.110 up 最後在連線 Controller 的 xterm 上啟動 rest_router。 controller: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ryu-manager ryu.app.rest_router loading app ryu.app.rest_router loading app ryu.controller.ofp_handler instantiating app None of DPSet creating context dpset creating context wsgi instantiating app ryu.app.rest_router of RestRouterAPI instantiating app ryu.controller.ofp_handler of OFPHandler (2447) wsgi starting up on Ryu 和路由器之間的聯結完成的話會出現下面的訊息。 controller: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Set SW config for TTL error packet in. [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Set ARP handling (packet in) flow [cookie=0x0] [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Set L2 switching (normal) flow [cookie=0x0] [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Set default route (drop) flow [cookie=0x0] [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Start cyclic routing table update. [RT][INFO] switch_id=0000000000000003: Join as router. ... 上面的記錄表示三台路由器的準備已經完成。 設定 IP 位址 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 設定每一台路由器的 IP 位址。 首先,設定路由器 s1 的 IP 位址為「」和「」,接著 VLAN ID 的設定也是必要的。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add address [address_id=2]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001/110 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 110, "details": "Add address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001/110 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 110, "details": "Add address [address_id=2]" } ] } ] 接下來,設定路由器 s2 的 IP 位址為「」和「」。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add address [address_id=2]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002/110 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 110, "details": "Add address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002/110 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 110, "details": "Add address [address_id=2]" } ] } ] 然後設定路由器 s3 的 IP 位址為「」和「」。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000003", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000003", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add address [address_id=2]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003/110 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000003", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 110, "details": "Add address [address_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"address": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003/110 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000003", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 110, "details": "Add address [address_id=2]" } ] } ] 路由器的 IP 位址已經設定好,接著設定每一個 host 的預設閘道器。 host: h1s1: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip route add default via host: h2s1: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip route add default via host: h1s2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip route add default via host: h2s2: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip route add default via host: h1s3: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip route add default via host: h2s3: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ip route add default via IP 位址被設定如下。 .. only:: latex .. image:: images/rest_router/fig7.eps :scale: 80% :align: center .. only:: epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig7.png :align: center .. only:: not latex and not epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig7.png :scale: 40% :align: center 設定預設靜態路由 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 設定每一台路由器的預設靜態路由。 首先,設定路由器 s1 的預設路由為路由器 s2。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add route [route_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000001/110 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000001", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 110, "details": "Add route [route_id=1]" } ] } ] 路由器 s2 的預設路由設定為路由器 s1。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add route [route_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002/110 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 110, "details": "Add route [route_id=1]" } ] } ] 路由器 s3 的預設路由設定為路由器 s2。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000003", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add route [route_id=1]" } ] } ] root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000003/110 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000003", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 110, "details": "Add route [route_id=1]" } ] } ] 接著為了路由器 s2,將路由器 s3 的靜態路由指向 host( ),但僅只有在 VLAN ID = 2的情況下。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl -X POST -d '{"destination": "", "gateway": ""}' http://localhost:8080/router/0000000000000002/2 [ { "switch_id": "0000000000000002", "command_result": [ { "result": "success", "vlan_id": 2, "details": "Add route [route_id=2]" } ] } ] 確認設定的內容 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 確認每一台路由器的設定內容。 Node: c0 (root): .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# curl http://localhost:8080/router/all/all [ { "internal_network": [ {}, { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "vlan_id": 2, "address": [ { "address_id": 2, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 1, "address": "" } ] }, { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "vlan_id": 110, "address": [ { "address_id": 2, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 1, "address": "" } ] } ], "switch_id": "0000000000000001" }, { "internal_network": [ {}, { "route": [ { "route_id": 2, "destination": "", "gateway": "" }, { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "vlan_id": 2, "address": [ { "address_id": 2, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 1, "address": "" } ] }, { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "vlan_id": 110, "address": [ { "address_id": 2, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 1, "address": "" } ] } ], "switch_id": "0000000000000002" }, { "internal_network": [ {}, { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "vlan_id": 2, "address": [ { "address_id": 1, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 2, "address": "" } ] }, { "route": [ { "route_id": 1, "destination": "", "gateway": "" } ], "vlan_id": 110, "address": [ { "address_id": 1, "address": "" }, { "address_id": 2, "address": "" } ] } ], "switch_id": "0000000000000003" } ] 每一台路由器的設定內容將會如下所示。 .. tabularcolumns:: |p{1.5cm}|p{1.5cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}|p{3cm}| ========== ========== ================= ==================== ========================= 路由器 VLAN ID IP 位址 預設路由 靜態路由 ========== ========== ================= ==================== ========================= s1 2 \ \ , s1 110 \ \ , s2 2 目的: \ \ , , 閘道:" s2 110 \ \ , s3 2 \ \ , s3 110 \ \ , ========== ========== ================= ==================== ========================= 從 h1s1 向 h1s3 發送 ping 訊息。因為是處於相同的 vlan_id = 2 的相同 host ,且已經設置了指向 s3 的靜態路由在 s2 上,因此應該是可以正常連線的。 host: h1s1: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=61 time=45.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=61 time=0.257 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=61 time=0.059 ms 64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=61 time=0.182 ms 從 h2s1 向 h2s3 發送 ping 封包,雖然他們處於相同的 vlani_id = 110 的 host ,但是路由器 s2 上並沒有設置指向路由器 s3 的靜態路由,因此無法成功連線。 host: h2s1: .. rst-class:: console :: root@ryu-vm:~# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. ^C --- ping statistics --- 8 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 7009ms .. only:: latex .. image:: images/rest_router/fig8.eps :scale: 80% :align: center .. only:: epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig8.png :align: center .. only:: not latex and not epub .. image:: images/rest_router/fig8.png :scale: 40% :align: center 在本章中,使用一個具體的例子來說明路由器的使用方法。 REST API 列表 ------------------------ 本章所介紹的 rest_router 的 REST API 列表。 取得設定內容 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ============= ================================================== **方法** GET **URL** /router/{**switch**}[/{**vlan**}] \ -- **switch**: [ "all" \| *交換器ID* ] \ -- **vlan**: [ "all" \| *VLAN ID* ] **備註** 指定 VLAN ID 為可選項目。 ============= ================================================== 設定位址 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ============= ================================================== **方法** POST **URL** /router/{**switch**}[/{**vlan**}] \ -- **switch**: [ "all" \| *交換器ID* ] \ -- **vlan**: [ "all" \| *VLAN ID* ] **內容** **address**:"" **備註** 在設定路由之前要先設定位址 \ 指定 VLAN ID 為可選項目。 ============= ================================================== 設定靜態路由 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ============= ================================================ **方法** POST **URL** /router/{**switch**}[/{**vlan**}] \ -- **switch**: [ "all" \| *交換器ID* ] \ -- **vlan**: [ "all" \| *VLAN ID* ] **內容** **destination**:"" \ **gateway**:"" **備註** 指定 VLAN ID 為可選項目。 ============= ================================================ 設定預設路由 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ============= ================================================ **方法** POST **URL** /router/{**switch**}[/{**vlan**}] \ -- **switch**: [ "all" \| *交換器ID* ] \ -- **vlan**: [ "all" \| *VLAN ID* ] **內容** **gateway**:"" **備註** 指定 VLAN ID 為可選項目。 ============= ================================================ 刪除位址 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ============= ================================================ **方法** DELETE **URL** /router/{**switch**}[/{**vlan**}] \ -- **switch**: [ "all" \| *交換器ID* ] \ -- **vlan**: [ "all" \| *VLAN ID* ] **內容** **address_id**:[ 1 - ... ] **備註** 指定 VLAN ID 為可選項目。 ============= ================================================ 刪除路由 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ============= ================================================ **方法** DELETE **URL** /router/{**switch**}[/{**vlan**}] \ -- **switch**: [ "all" \| *交換器ID* ] \ -- **vlan**: [ "all" \| *VLAN ID* ] **內容** **route_id**:[ 1 - ... ] **備註** 指定 VLAN ID 為可選項目。 ============= ================================================